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Use Tyre to Oil Plant to Solve Waste Management While Turning a Profit

Our modern civilization relies on mobility to survive and this requires large amounts of all types of tires. Tires form the very running wheels that allow our agricultural and industrial infrastructure to operate with speed and convenience and therefore these consumable materials are being used and discarded in vast quantities every day. Get this type of tyre to oil plant.

The question of what to do with these large quantities of rubber tires from lorries, motorcycles, bicycles, and thousands of other types of automobiles is getting more serious. Many landfills have refused to accept this type of waste as discarded tyres can leach toxins into the environment.

Tyre to Oil Machine for Sale - Small Scale Models
Tyre to Oil Machine for Sale – Small Scale Models

But the good news is that all this useless waste can be converted into something useful, practical, and even profitable. In the following article, we will take a closer look at some of the valuable components of discarded tyres and how they can be recovered and used to meet the demands of an ever-growing industry.

The process of changing tyres into oil provides more than just a profitable product for the markets, it provides an important solution to the waste management in local communities and urban areas.

Customer from Romania Got Fair Tyre to Oil Plant Cost from Beston
Customer from Romania Got Fair Tyre to Oil Plant Cost from Beston

The Advantages of a Pyrolysis Plant

With billions of tires being thrown to waste around the world the implications are monumental. From tyre forts, tyre swings, and homemade tyre ottomans, there are more options than ever for making use of the ever-increasing number of discarded tyres. But an enterprising mind will see this as an opportunity. These tyres represent an almost inexhaustible supply of something that can be useful and profitable. Get this pyrolysis tyre recycling plant right now.

Even if they have been worn and discarded, tyres still contain some valuable components that shouldn’t be forgotten. There are valuable components in the rubber and construction of these tyres. With proper extraction methods – a tyre to oil plant-these substances can be removed from the tyres and collected as a source of fuel called tyre oil.

Then there is steel used to reinforce the rubber walls of the tyre as well as some other compounds that can be recovered and repurposed. A tyre to oil plant is designed to facilitate this process, here is an overview of how this works.

The Tyre to Oil Process

The waste tyres are fed into the reaction chamber where they will be subjected to the process of pyrolysis. By burning the tyre is a low-oxygen conditions, the useful substances in the tyres are made available. At 250°C, polymers are evaporated and the gas is collected and condensed. This becomes tyre oil that contains a high-caloric content and can be used as a fuel for a variety of purposes. With skill, experience, and the right equipment, tyre oil can even be refined to diesel.

Gasses that are not collected can be sent back to the furnace where they will be used to provide additional fuel for the tyre to oil plant. Once the process is complete and the last of the polymers has been evaporated, the reaction chamber can be opened. Inside you will find the tyres have been reduced to a powdery black ash called “carbon black” that has many applications. There will also be scrap steel that has been liberated from its rubber casing. View this type of machine: