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Solving Waste Management Crisis While Turning a Profit — Tyre to Oil Plant

Rubber tyres provide the reaction to carry heavy burdens far and wide and are continuously being worn down and replaced. Discarded tires from lorries, motorcycles, automobiles and all other types of ground transport are being thrown away in massive quantities each day and this colossal flow of used rubber is placing a great strain on waste management efforts internationally. The condition is getting more serious as many landfills have stopped accepting tyres into their waste management efforts. The good news is that there is a way to transform all this useless garbage into something useful, practical and profitable, namely scrap tyre recycling plant. It can turn waste rubber, old tyres into pyrolysis oil.

Tyre to Oil Plant in Jordan
Tyre to Oil Plant in Jordan


In the following article, we will look at some of the valuable components of used tyres and how these materials can be recovered and repurposed. This provides a suitable solution to waste management crisis and the ever-present need for profitable endeavors.

Advantages of Pyrolysis Plant

With over 300,000,000 tyres being chucked out daily across the planet this is obviously good for something other than the largest tyre fort in the universe. It was only time until an enterprising mind thought up a perfect solution in the form of specialized pyrolysis plant for sale that can change this virtually inexhaustible resource for something profitable and useful.

Tyres, worn out as they may be, still contain some very useful materials and compounds that can’t just be forgotten. There are valuable compounds in the rubber and construction that can be transformed into a source of fuel called tyre oil. Then there is also steel used in the reinforced rubber structures that can be salvaged and sent to a scrap metal yard for repurposing.

A tyre to oil plant uses the process of pyrolysis to change the materials of an old tyre into the useful compounds that can be reused for various industrial applications. Pyrolysis comes from two words that mean “transformation by fire”. In tyre to oil plant, old tyres are burned in a zero-oxygen environment that initiates a chemical reaction (pyrolysis) that begins to break down the tyres into something better.

Waste Tyre to Oil Plant in Brazil
Waste Tyre to Oil Plant in Brazil

Waste Tyre to Oil Process

The tyres are fed into the pyrolysis reactor where the chemical transformation will take place. By burning the tyres with no oxygen, the useful element is made available. At 250° the polymers will be evaporated and this gas will be collected and condensed into the tyre oil that can be used as a fuel for many purposes, it can even be refined into diesel.

Gasses that are not collected are fed back to the reaction chamber where they act as fuel for the pyrolysis process. Once the process is completed and every drop of oil has been evaporated and collected, the tires will be reduced to nothing but carbon black and scrap steel inside the reaction chamber.

In the end, the tyre to oil machine has provided a source of fuel, scrap steel and carbon black from old tyres. Each of these products have considerable value in modern industry and can be sourced from something being discarded — almost like a dream come true.