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A Simple Guide to Waste Management Systems

The term “waste management” broadly describes the various techniques, methods, processing and disposal of waste products. This includes not just how garbage is recycled and disposed of but also how it is collected and transported.

Different waste management systems (sistema de gestion de residuos) are developed to handle the types of waste they deal with regularly as well as accomplish specific goals of treatment and recycling. As a whole these goals have to do with reusing resources, treating toxic and non-biodegradable products and addressing health and environmental concerns.

Waste management occurs on larges scales for big cities and industrial regions but also in domestic, commercial and office locations as well. Following are some key points that define a proper waste management system on any level.

Waste Management System
Waste Management System


Recycling is the most important part of the majority of waste management systems receiving waste from regular human needs. Glass, metal and plastic containers can all be separated and disposed of properly as per your local area waste disposal codes. (Check with your local authority for more information)Along the same lines as recycling, old appliances that are no longer needed or functional can be donated or dropped off at specific salvage yards that can strip them down to recyclable parts. Clothing that is no longer needed can be donated or even traded with other families.


While local laws don’t regulate composting, it is an important way to begin returning nutrients and minerals to the soil. While especially large waste management programs (maquina clasificadora de basura) will need more space, families can compost effectively with little more than a 10–gallon barrel. Be sure to research this process and begin slowly, in the end it saves time, waste and the environment.

Re-usable Shopping Bags

Insist on re-usable shopping bags and make a stand for our oceans and rivers. Plastics don’t decompose in nature, instead they break down into smaller and smaller bits of shredded plastic called “microplastics”. These are blown and washed from the land into the oceans and is beginning to affect marine life on a massive scale. So, let’s make plastic bags a thing of the past and stick to sturdy reusable shopping bags.

garbage sorting machine
Garbage sorting machine

Reduce Paper Products

Paper is the one thing that is thrown out in greatest quantities. In a single year 4.5 Million tons of paper were discarded. This comes from a wide variety of sources but looking for ways to reduce paper garbage is another important way to reduce the waste management problem in the world. Stop using paper towels when cloth rage can perform as well and last much longer.

Avoid Single Use Packaging

Single use plastic packaging accounts for an unhealthy section of the plastics making their way to the landfills and then the lakes, rivers and oceans. Reuse as many plastic storage containers, bottles and other items as long as you possibly can. Go on reading:

Final Notes on Waste Management Systems

The importance of an effective waste management system cannot be underestimated. The way we handle the resources we have already used will ensure the availability of the resources in the future.